About Us
Here’s a bit about our church. The shared gratitude we continue to have and worship as a United Methodist church at this point in history. These are exciting times! We’re not a new church. We’ve been around for nearly 150 years – going back to the days of circuit-riding Methodist preachers! We’ve been around for a long time and have a new name!
What about that Name?
We chose the new identity of “Lino Lakes Community Church.” to welcome folks living in and around our community to join us in worship and learn about Jesus. Our name clearly states that we want everyone to know that we’re here in this area as a Methodist church that emphasizes ministry to and with the community of Lino Lakes and surrounding neighbors. Here’s some history about us. When we opened the first church the name was ” the German Methodist Church” – then “Rice Lake Methodist”; until 2021, we were “Gethsemane UMC.” ( A good many in our community still refer to us by that name – which is fine. Change takes time to adjust to!) From our vantage point, as followers of Christ, we believe that God is always doing new things among us – and in scripture, a name change is often an indication of that!
What else is new at Lino Lakes Community Church?
We’ve got a new pastor and a new piano accompanist! The pastor is engaging, informative, and inspiring. People enjoy his well-delivered sermons, and he’s a good worship leader and comprehensive guide for our congregation. The pianist is quite accomplished – working on getting his master’s degree. He provides beautiful, unique music for all to enjoy. Jazz is his specialty! Our church members lead our singing in worship each week – including musicians – who are all quite dedicated.
The Pandemic hurt!
Tradition and the future
Our experience of the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic took a hit on our church, like all the other churches. We continue to work hard at reinventing ourselves – using technology and new and different approaches to ministry. We’re navigating a unique time in Christianity history to make a move from striving and just surviving to thrive! Now – a bit about our property and programs.
Find Us!
We have a beautiful view of Marshan Lake from our 7 acres of the well-maintained facility. We’re only a mile south of Target at 7330 Lake Drive. (You might even miss the entrance to the church the first time or two that you arrive. No problem – it happens to everyone! It’s a “hidden approach” to our property.)
We’ve got a lovely gathering space in our backyard shelter with a large firepit and grill for “get-togethers” all summer.
What about our ministry?
In our ministry activities, we have been putting on a Booya feast (delicious soup/stew that we’ve made for 99 years from our outdoor kettles). We want to continue this tradition of making gallons and gallons of Booya – shifting our focus from mere fundraising – selling this delicious food – to feeding hungry families! Here’s one specific program in the planning stages to pique your interest. We’re looking for young families to use our large puppet stage for wholesome storytelling. It would be fun for you and us! We’d love to see a few more young children again in our building, and we’ve got some puppeteers with some experience to help lead the program. If we have older grade school children and teenagers join us, they can learn to use the puppets. Young and old, most people enjoy a good puppet show!
Join Us!
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and remain for fellowship time (coffee and goodies) immediately following the service. We offer a traditional United Methodist worship experience that lasts about 45 minutes. In September/October of 2022, we averaged only 15 people each Sunday in worship. Now we’ve doubled that and are in the 30s most Sundays. We’re growing – slowly – and we’re having a good time with each other. Take the time and check us out on YouTube and Facebook by searching for us at Lino Lakes Community Church – if that’s more convenient for you. You can reach us by phone at 651-784-7667 or [email protected] via email. We can’t wait to see you and have you join us in our exciting future! God’s blessings are on the way!
Scroll to the bottom of the website where it says worship service to get the link to join us for a previous worship service.